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Program Results: 61 to 70 of 123 total

  1. Emotional Intelligence and Empowerment

    Schedule TBD

    Leverage your strengths and values to draw out the abilities and talents of others. In this elective course, learn to overcome personal challenges and use your emotional intelligence to empower results.

  2. Writing for Your Life: One Story at a Time

    Schedule TBD

    The instructor—an award-winning author who offers decades of teaching, writing, editing, and publishing experience—will provide encouragement and guidance as you write your own story. Open your mind to new perspectives on writing memoirs.

  3. Mentoring for Professional Impact

    Schedule TBD

    This elective course will help you discover strategies for guiding effective mentor/mentee relationships. Explore innovative approaches to building and evaluating mentoring programs tied to performance metrics.

  4. Growing Up Transgender

    Schedule TBD

    In this seminar, we will explore what it means to be transgender. Health and human services professionals will learn the difficulties transgender people face and how we can best support and advocate for the transgender community.

  5. Creating Art with Alcohol Inks

    Schedule TBD

    Are you interested in learning a new way to create art? Alcohol inks are a unique way to create art with vibrant, highly pigmented colors. Learn to work with alcohol inks and create your own pieces to take home.

  6. Trauma and Stress Disorders

    Schedule TBD

    By gaining an understanding of the root causes and the latest treatment options for trauma and stress disorders, you can become an invaluable resource for your clients on their path to healing.

  7. Addiction - The Biology of the Pursuit of Happiness

    Schedule TBD

    This workshop explores addiction and its biological features, focusing on frequently abused substances and treatment strategies.

  8. Suicide Risk Assessment and Management

    Schedule TBD

    Be a part of the solution to help reduce suicide deaths. This workshop educates on identifying warning signs of suicide and participants will gain the skills to apply appropriate management approaches.

  9. Speed Spanish Online

    Ongoing Register Now!

    Our online program will teach you quick and easy ways to able to communicate with others in Spanish in any situation using some basic Spanish language techniques.

  10. Adolescent Mental Health Certificate

    Schedule TBD

    In today’s world, there are several unique challenges facing kids and teens as they grow up. As a result, knowing how to address adolescent mental health is becoming increasingly important. Become informed and earn a certificate with this course.