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Conversations about Change Series

Introductory and Advanced Motivational Interviewing

Daily conversations with clients are powerful tools we can use to increase motivation and create lasting behavior change. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based conversational approach that has been widely applied in many settings. Shown to be effective across a variety of problem behaviors and populations, MI has become a highly popular and sought-after approach by professionals working in diverse practice settings such as behavioral health, medicine, corrections, and schools.

I plan on using the materials learned in this training every day when working with the clients I serve. Overall, I feel better equipped to meet their needs.

Penny Hanson  |  Case Worker, Benjamin's House

Now more than ever, many patients are presenting complex needs when it comes to their health and wellbeing. Not being equipped with the conversational and listening skills to connect with complex patients can lead to losing clientele or not making effective progress toward patient outcomes and goals. 

Take the next step to learn more about how the Motivational Interviewing technique and model can support successful client outcomes.

UW-Eau Claire offers two Motivational Interviewing programs; it is recommended to take both courses to reach proficiency with MI.

We offer flexible online programming perfect for busy professionals.  Each program includes 2-3 hours of independent work in addition to two live, interactive sessions online.

Programs in Conversations about Change

  1. Conversations about Change II: Advanced Motivational Interviewing


    This online training is designed for those with prior introductory or intermediate training in Motivational Interviewing. This additional level of training will enhance participants’ skills and application of Motivational Interviewing strategies.

  2. Conversations about Change: Introduction to Motivational Interviewing


    This online training will provide you with the most-up-do-date information about Motivational Interviewing and how you can help clients make positive and lasting changes in their lives.