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Human Service

Keeping Compassion in What You Do

Human Services professions cover a span of industries and provide services to all age groups and many diverse individuals. Though the care you provide varies greatly, there is one thing that remains the same - your passion for what you do is at the forefront. We are dedicated to creating meaningful and impactful human services training so you can continually provide the best care possible. Whether you are looking for the latest treatment techniques or need to fulfill your licensing requirements with interesting topics, you will find relevant programming with us.

Client being treated by counselor

Ethic and Boundaries Courses

Convenient and informative programs to fulfill your Ethics and Boundaries requirement. Each of our Ethics and Boundaries workshops targets a specific topic in current issues, practice settings, or client base.

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person conversing with a therapist

Conversations about Change Series

Learn how Introductory and Advanced Motivational Interviewing skills will enhance your clinical practice across multiple settings and systems.

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blurry image of people visible through a rainy window

Behavioral Health

Elevate your practice and empower clients with our behavioral health programs for human service professionals.

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two people counseling together

Hoarding: Compassion and Collaboration

Learn more about how our hoarding programs can educate and empower you to develop the skills and strategies to create effective solutions.

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